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Creating Forms in HTML

A big part of building HTML pages is creating forms for user input. This course will teach you the basics of client-side form development in HTML.

Matt Milner - Pluralsight course - Creating Forms in HTML
by Matt Milner

What you'll learn

A big part of HTML development involves creating forms for user input. In this course, Creating Forms in HTML, you will learn the skills you need to create useful input forms on your web pages. First, you will discover how HTML forms work and how to configure your form. Next, you will explore the various types of form inputs and how to best apply them. Finally, you will cover organizing, styling, and validating your forms. When you’re finished with this course, you will have a foundational understanding of HTML forms that will help you immensely as you move forward and create your own websites.

Table of contents

About the author

Matt Milner - Pluralsight course - Creating Forms in HTML
Matt Milner

Matt is an independent consultant with expertise in web application design and development and systems integration. As a writer, Matt has contributed to several journals and magazines such as MSDN Magazine. Matt regularly shares his love of technology by speaking at local, regional, and international conferences such as DevWeek, Prairie Dev Con, That Conference, and VS Live. As a Pluralsight Author, Matt has created more than 30 courses on the topics of web, mobile, and cloud development.

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