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Making Games With Hopscotch

Learn how the Hopscotch app for iOS can teach kids basic programming concepts through making an interactive game.

Lars Klint - Pluralsight course - Making Games With Hopscotch
by Lars Klint

What you'll learn

You probably play games on computers, tablets, phones, and other devices. You might be wondering, "How do I make my own game?" Using the Hopscotch app, learn the basic building blocks of programming in a fun and interactive way. Follow along on your own device to build the exact same game, then use all you have learned to build many more games and apps.

Table of contents

About the author

Lars Klint - Pluralsight course - Making Games With Hopscotch
Lars Klint

Lars is an author, trainer, Microsoft MVP, community leader, authority on all things Windows Platform, and part time crocodile wrangler. He is heavily involved in the space of HoloLens and mixed reality, as well as a published Pluralsight author, freelance solution architect, and writer for numerous publications.

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