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The Go CLI Playbook

This course introduces the Go CLI and gives a thorough overview of the functionality that it offers. You'll learn how to compile and test Go programs, manage workspaces, and explore Go’s development environment.

Mike VanSickle - Pluralsight course - The Go CLI Playbook
by Mike VanSickle

What you'll learn

The Go language has made a name for itself by embracing simplicity as a core design concept. This does not just extend to the language; it touches every aspect of the Go ecosystem. This course, The Go CLI Playbook, covers many aspects of the Go command line tool which, in keeping with the Go philosophy, provides a single point of entry for all the core activities involving the language, including retrieving third party packages, building projects, and executing tests. First, you’ll learn how to use the Go command to compile your applications, both as standalone entities and as libraries that can be shared with Go and non-Go programs. Next, you’ll explore how to test applications including performance profiling. Finally, you’ll examine how to manage workspaces and explore the environment that Go is working in. By the end of this course, you'll have the necessary skills and knowledge to access the full power that the Go CLI offers.

About the author

Mike VanSickle - Pluralsight course - The Go CLI Playbook
Mike VanSickle

Michael VanSickle is an application architect in Akron, Ohio. He is a mechanical engineer by training and a software engineer by choice. He is passionate about learning new programming languages and user experience design.

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