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GitHub Actions: The Big Picture

by Aaron Stewart

Learn to automate your software development workflow with GitHub Actions. Understand the common use cases of GitHub Actions, where to find existing actions, and how to create a new GitHub Actions workflow within your own GitHub Repository.

What you'll learn

In a world driven by innovation and continuous integration, understanding the basics of automation with GitHub Actions is essential for every developer who works on GitHub. In this course, GitHub Actions: The Big Picture, you’ll understand the basics of GitHub Actions, its benefits, use cases, and how to get started. First, you’ll explore the essential components of an Actions workflow file, from event triggers, steps, runners, and jobs. You’ll gain hands-on experience in creating a basic workflow file that will print a message to the console log based on a specific event trigger. By the end of this course, whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to streamline your workflows, or a newcomer eager to embrace automation, this course provides a big picture view to automating your development workflows with GitHub Actions.

About the author

Aaron is a program architect at GitHub with a focus area in third party content. As a Git and GitHub expert, he joined GitHub as a trainer to consult and train development teams from industry leading companies on Git, GitHub and to improve their collaboration and development workflows. With a training foundation, Aaron develops content and programs for professional services at GitHub for digital transformation and thought leadership. Prior to joining GitHub, Aaron was an integration engineer at ... more

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