Getting Started with Sculpting in MODO
In this MODO tutorial, we'll use a simple creature model to learn the basics of sculpting. Software required: MODO 701.
What you'll learn
In this MODO tutorial, we'll use a simple creature model to learn the basics of sculpting. We'll talk about using mesh-based sculpting to quickly deform and shape our geometry. We'll set up image-based sculpting in order to create sculpted detail that is all contained within a very powerful type of displacement map. We'll also cover the use of a multi-resolution sculpting workflow. We'll talk about setting up this common type of sculpting workflow in MODO and how we can navigate the different levels. Throughout the training, we'll cover common sculpting tools, brush tips, and nozzle settings that will allow us to detail our creature very quickly. In the end, you'll have the knowledge you need to begin sculpting your own models in MODO. Software required: MODO 701.
Table of contents
- Working with Base Geometry 6m
- Shaping the Mesh 8m
- Setting up Image-based Sculpting 7m
- Blocking in the Main Sculpted Shapes 7m
- Using a Multi-resolution Workflow 7m
- Creating Wrinkles 12m
- Detailing the Eye Areas 9m
- Sculpting Finer Details 8m
- Using Masking 7m
- Adding High-frequency Skin Detail 8m
- Adding Detail with Bump Maps 8m