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Getting Started with NUKE

In this series of NUKE lessons, we are going to go over the basics that you need to know when getting started with NUKE. Software required: NUKE 7.0.

What you'll learn

In this series of NUKE lessons, we are going to go over the basics that you need to know when getting started with NUKE. We start off by learning how to navigate the interface of NUKE, and then how to get our images into NUKE to start compositing. You'll learn many different useful and basic nodes that are essential to every compositor's workflow, as well as a few fun nodes that will help to give your project some personality. This tutorial is full of the helpful tips and tricks that you need to know to begin your journey of becoming a great compositor. We really wanted you to be able to see results quickly after watching this training, so we are going at a step-by-step pace for compositing a CG robot into a street scene. By taking this start-to-finish project approach, you will end with not only a solid understanding of the basics of NUKE, but a finished, composited shot you can be proud of. Software required: NUKE 7.0.

Table of contents