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The Geolocation API: Using Maps and Location in Your Web Pages

by Elisabeth Robson

The geolocation API and maps are core to any location-based web application. This course will teach you how to use geolocation and the Google Maps API in your web applications.

What you'll learn

This course, The Geolocation API: Using Maps and Location in Your Web Pages, introduces JavaScript developers to the geolocation API, available in all modern browsers. First, you will use the geolocation JavaScript API, seeing how to handle errors and how the browser determines a location. Next, you'll learn how to use a location to generate a map with the Google Maps library and build a simple place search application. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the foundation to create desktop and mobile web applications that incorporate location and mapping libraries to help users as they move around in the world.

About the author

Elisabeth is passionate about creating learning experiences for people. She is the co-author of Head First Design Patterns, Head First HTML and CSS, Head First JavaScript Programming, and Head First HTML5 Programming. Her books have been translated into eight languages, and are read by technology learners around the globe. Another passion is the Web: she is a constant student of the technologies behind it and the fascinating social transformations that it has enabled. She first started creating ... more

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