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Generative AI for Improving Writing

by Alan Ackmann

This course will teach you how to use Generative AI technology to improve your writing

What you'll learn

In this course, Generative AI for Improving Writing, you’ll learn how GPT technologies can improve your professional and technical writing from the early draft to the finished product. First, you’ll explore how AI can help with brainstorming, researching, and planning out a draft. Next, you’ll discover how AI can sharpen sentence writing for clarity, efficiency, and style. Finally, you’ll learn how to revise your writing, focusing on reorganization, formatting, and adding visuals to a text. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Generative AI needed to help GPT write with you rather than for you and to blend AI technology into your existing writing process.

About the author

Alan Ackmann teaches business and technical writing in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Department at DePaul University in Chicago, IL, where he lives with his wife and two children. His professional specialties include career development writing and the rhetoric of slideware and presentations. In his spare time, he enjoys jogging, reading, and singing (though not always in that order).

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