Creating Gameplay Systems using Blueprint Features in Unreal Engine
Throughout this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, we'll learn techniques for using the advanced features of the Blueprint visual scripting system in Unreal Engine. Software required: Unreal Engine 4.4.2.
What you'll learn
Throughout this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, we'll learn techniques for using the advanced features of the Blueprint visual scripting system in Unreal Engine. We'll program robust and scalable gameplay systems all without the need to write a single line of code. Through these exercises, you'll gain a better understanding of the immense power of the Blueprint visual scripting language. By the end of this Unreal Engine 4 training, you'll have a firm foundation of how Blueprint is fundamental to the way gameplay is programmed into games. Software required: Unreal Engine 4.4.2.
Table of contents
- Default Map and Player Setup 8m
- Create Blueprint to Be Base Class for Pickups 10m
- Finishing Base Class and Creating Subclasses 10m
- Using Construction Script and Inheritance to Create Unique Behavior 10m
- Adding Materials to the Pickups to Create an Enumeration 11m
- Overview of the Gamemode 10m
- Implementing Blueprint Interface Function in Gamemode 9m
- Tracking Player Pickups and Testing 11m
- Creating an Actor Blueprint to Communicate the Number of Remaining Pickups 10m
- Using Construction Script to Set Default Values for Variables 9m
- Creating and Implementing Interface Messages in Blueprint 9m
- Implementing Complex Functions Through Blueprint Interfaces 10m
- Rotating Scene Components Towards the Player 10m
- Implementing the Core Functionality of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor 11m
- Continuing to Implement the Core Functionality of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor 11m
- Completing the Implementation of the Key Giver Blueprint Actor 11m
- Setting up the Components of the Door Blueprint Actor 11m
- Creating a Blueprint Interface to Interact with Blueprints 5m
- Implementing Player Interactivity for the Door Blueprint Actor 10m
- Creating a Procedural Animation Using a Timeline 10m
- Using a Line Trace to Interact with the Game World 12m
- Using Blueprint Interfaces to Simplify Scripting 11m
- Creating a Simple User Interface with the Hud Blueprint 12m
- Creating the Blueprint Actor 8m
- Implementing the Overlap Events for the Gameovervolume Blueprint 5m
- Creating a New Blueprint Interface for the Character Blueprint 6m
- Completing the Gameovervolume Blueprint and Implementing Reloading of the Level 10m
- Final Level Play Through and Course Overview 5m