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Game Environment Concept Design

Learn how to design and paint an Isometric environment from sketch to final painting.

Alex Stead - Pluralsight course - Game Environment Concept Design
by Alex Stead

What you'll learn

Have you ever had a killer game idea, but didn't have the proper concept art to show off the scenes you envision? If so, Game Environment Concept Design is the course for you. First, you'll discover how sketch out your idea. Second, you'll explore the setup for 3D. Finally, you'll learn how to paint over and finish up. When you complete Game Environment Concept Design you should have a solid throne room concept finished and have the skills to go forward and start conceptualizing your fantasy world. Required Software: Sketchup 2018

Table of contents

About the author

Alex Stead - Pluralsight course - Game Environment Concept Design
Alex Stead

Alex Stead is a freelance storyboard artist and concept illustrator working in London.

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