Cultivate Your Personal Strengths Using Gallup Tools
All individuals have character strengths and weaknesses and identifying these strengths and weaknesses is a key foundation for our professional success. This course will help you with cultivating your biggest strengths.
What you'll learn
Everyday you interact and work with people who have a wide variety of personality strengths. In this course, Cultivate Your Professional Strengths Using Gallup's Research, you'll learn about the way your personality strengths and weaknesses constantly come into your daily interactions. First, you will learn about the way individuals and companies rely on Clifton's Gallup studies around human strengths to reach their highest potential. Next, you will look at how the studies prove that the keystone of high achievements in individuals, teams, and organizations is found in exercising and developing strengths rather than continually working to improve areas of weakness. Finally, you will learn about how these concepts are proven to build stronger teams, more united organizations, and a more successful and satisfying life for each individual who embraces these teachings. By the end of this course, you will have learned how to rely on your strengths to better work and interact with others.
Table of contents
- Balconies and Basements and Leadership Domains 9m
- Achiever, Activator, Adaptability 4m
- Analytical, Arranger, Belief 4m
- Command, Communication, Competition 3m
- Connectedness, Consistency, Context 3m
- Deliberative, Developer, Discipline 3m
- Empathy, Focus, Futuristic 3m
- Harmony, Ideation, Includer 3m
- Individualization, Input, Intellection 3m
- Learner, Maximizer, Positivity 3m
- Relator, Responsibility, Restorative 3m
- Self-Assurance, Significance 2m
- Strategic, Woo 2m
- Summary 1m