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Rust Fundamentals

With its low overhead and high performance cross platform development, Rust is a great language for systems programming, embedded development and web programming. This course will teach you everything you need to know to become a Rust developer.

Edward Curren - Pluralsight course - Rust Fundamentals
by Edward Curren

What you'll learn

The Rust programming language helps you write faster, more reliable software. Developer friendly programming and low-level control are often at odds in a given language. Rust balances technical capacity with ease of development. Rust gives you the option to control low-level details (such as memory usage) without the hassle traditionally associated with such control. This course, Rust Fundamentals, will help you be comfortable with fundamental programming concepts on any platform. First, you’ll explore the syntax and fundamental principles of Rust. Next, you’ll discover how to go about building high performance applications with Rust. Finally, you’ll learn how to combine and publish projects. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Rust needed to develop real world applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Edward Curren - Pluralsight course - Rust Fundamentals
Edward Curren

With over 20 years of experience in the software world, Ed is currently an enterprise architect but always a mentor and innovator.

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