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Maven Fundamentals

This course will teach you all of the fundamentals of Maven. It covers dependencies, plugins, repositories, IDE integration, and all the basic commands of Maven.

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Maven Fundamentals
by Bryan Hansen

What you'll learn

Repeatable builds are one of the biggest problems of software development. This problem only grows in complexity when you add more and more dependencies. In this course, Maven Fundamentals, you’ll learn to use Maven to create repeatable builds and manage all your project dependencies and versioning. First, you’ll explore the structure of your Maven project. Next, you’ll learn how to use dependencies and how they are retrieved as well as stored. Finally, you’ll learn how repositories work as well as plugins and IDE integration. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Maven needed to build any of your Java applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Bryan Hansen - Pluralsight course - Maven Fundamentals
Bryan Hansen

Bryan is a Director at Software Technology Group, a consulting company based out of Salt Lake City, and has authored and taught numerous courses in Java.

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