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Git Fundamentals

This course will teach you the fundamental concepts and key characteristics of Git and how to set up your local environment, track and manage content locally, and how to work in a shared remote repository with other team members.

Aaron Stewart - Pluralsight course - Git Fundamentals
by Aaron Stewart

What you'll learn

This course is mainly for developers, but this would also work for technical project or program managers, content writers, or really anyone who needs to review, contribute, or even just better understand a project that is being maintained and tracked by Git. In this course, Git Fundamentals, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts and key characteristics of using Git in your code projects. First, you’ll learn what Git is and how to set up your local environment to start using Git. Next, you’ll learn how to use Git locally and then how to work in a shared environment with team members. Second, you’ll learn how to resolve merge conflicts and how to alter your commits and local history. Finally, you’ll learn about some popular team workflows when using Git and some next steps for learning more. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to get started working with Git in your own projects as well as shared projects with other developers.

Table of contents

About the author

Aaron Stewart - Pluralsight course - Git Fundamentals
Aaron Stewart

Aaron is an integration engineer living in the heart of Silicon Slopes, Utah Valley. He's an outdoor enthusiast and loves taking little square pictures of the world.

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