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Unit Testing with F#

Learn how to write and run unit tests with F#.

Mark Seemann  - Pluralsight course - Unit Testing with F#
by Mark Seemann

What you'll learn

In this course, you'll learn about the basics of writing and running unit tests with F#. You'll learn about some of the specific tools and techniques unique to the combination of F# and unit testing. Among other topics, you'll learn about the importance of using F#'s Structural Equality to your advantage, and you'll get a comprehensive introduction to the Unquote open source assertion library.

Table of contents

About the author

Mark Seemann  - Pluralsight course - Unit Testing with F#
Mark Seemann

Mark Seemann is the author of Dependency Injection in .NET and the inventor of AutoFixture. He is a professional programmer and software architect living in Copenhagen, Denmark, and currently an independent advisor. He enjoys reading, drawing, playing the guitar, good wine, and gourmet food.

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