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Fostering Effective Team Collaboration and Communication

This course provides managers with best practices to develop communication for fostering a self-managing team. In this course you will learn how to establish a communication plan and provide your team with the tools for successful collaboration.

Shelley Benhoff - Pluralsight course - Fostering Effective Team Collaboration and Communication
by Shelley Benhoff

What you'll learn

This course is for any manager who is interested in building a communication plan and leading a self-managing team. In this course, Fostering Effective Team Collaboration and Communication, you will learn scenarios and techniques to overcome communication barriers within your team. First, you will discover a communication strategy for your team and best practices to avoid miscommunication. Next, you will explore the importance of reviewing the effectiveness of meetings to ensure that all participants are engaged for maximum collaboration. Finally, you will learn best practices in establishing trust and leading a self-managing team. When you're finished with this course, you will be able to establish a communication plan and provide your team with the tools for successful collaboration.

Table of contents

About the author

Shelley Benhoff - Pluralsight course - Fostering Effective Team Collaboration and Communication
Shelley Benhoff

Shelley has 20+ years of experience in IT as an Entrepreneur, Manager, Trainer, and Sitecore MVP. She has a passion for technology, gaming, and general nerdery. She loves to learn new things as well as mentor and teach others.

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