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Creating a Full Stack App with Flutter and Firebase

by Majid Hajian

Managing backend complexity while delivering excellent user experiences is a constant challenge in app development. This course will teach you to build full-featured mobile apps using Flutter and Firebase.

What you'll learn

Building complex mobile apps often requires managing backend complexity and creating a seamless user experience.

In this course, Creating a Full Stack App with Flutter and Firebase, you’ll learn to build social media apps like Instagram and go through the challenges of building such an app.

First, you’ll explore how to authenticate users.

Next, you’ll discover a scalable database and storage to store the app’s data and media.

Finally, you’ll learn how to engage with users with push notifications and deploy your app to app stores.

When you finish this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to launch your full-stack app with Firebase and Flutter needed to create complex mobile applications.

Table of contents

Course Overview
What’s Next?

About the author

Majid Hajian is an accomplished software architect working at Microsoft and a developer renowned for his expertise in designing intricate web and mobile applications. He is recognized as a Google Developer Expert, has received accolades as an author, and is a respected instructor. Majid has authored several engineering books, including the top-seller book series. He is an international public speaker and also a conference organizer.

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