- Core Tech
Facial Tracking in 3DEqualizer and Maya
In this tutorial, we will learn how to do object-tracking inside of 3DEqualizer. Software required: 3DEqualizer4, Maya 2012, Composite 2012.
What you'll learn
In this tutorial, we will learn how to do object-tracking inside of 3DEqualizer. We will start by explaining what is important for the preparation of an object-tracking shot. Then we will see how to shoot a grid in order to later calibrate a lens to remove its distortion. We will also take a look at the surveyed tracking method before we track our first shot. We will then take a look at the tools available in 3DEqualizer to improve a solution or to find out some unknown parameters. After that, we will then set up our scene in Maya after having un-distorted our footage with the warp module of 3DEqualizer. Then, we will render our CG elements with the mental ray render passes and combine them back together inside of Composite. Following that is a final bonus lesson where the shot we have is a bit more challenging to solve. Software required: 3DEqualizer4, Maya 2012, Composite 2012.