You Have Something to Share, and You're Worthy. Delete Your Imposter Syndrome.
Learn why it's important to delete your Imposter Syndrome, realize your own worth as a human being with experiences worth sharing, and start becoming a day to day "master" to the "apprentices" that surround you in every moment of every day.
What you'll learn
A lot of us have really toxic relationships with important things like "teaching" and "learning," and it holds us back. In the old days, it was easier: young apprentices learned a trade from a working, successful master, and went on to become masters in their own right. Today, we're loaded down with formal educational experiences that mask the true value of in-the-moment learning, sharing, and teaching. Learn why it's important to delete your Imposter Syndrome, realize your own worth as a human being with experiences worth sharing, and start becoming a day to day "master" to the "apprentices" that surround you in every moment of every day.