- Security
Execution with Unicorn
Are you looking for a tool that simplifies the process of exploiting Windows hosts using a variety of techniques? In this course, you will learn execution using Unicorn.
What you'll learn
Unicorn is a tool that penetration testers and ethical hackers can use to generate PowerShell commands to enable the execution of shellcode on Windows hosts. In this course, Execution with Unicorn, you’ll cover how to utilize Unicorn to execute PowerShell downgrade attacks in a red team environment. First, you’ll see how to use Unicorn for a PowerShell attack. Next, you’ll discover Unicorn’s features to create additional attacks. Finally, you’ll learn to simulate client execution exploits by testing payloads on a vulnerable host. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to execute these techniques T1059.001: Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell, and T1023: Exploitation for Client Execution using Unicorn. More importantly, knowing how these techniques can be used against you will lend to your ability as an organization, or an individual, to detect and defend against specific attack vectors.
Table of contents
About the author
Matt Glass is an IT Project Manager in Stuttgart, Germany, working as a government contractor. He has more than 12 years of IT experience in a variety of roles.
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