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Executing Basic Queries with Elasticsearch

by Thomas Henson

Elasticsearch is a leader in enterprise search which is the heart of most application in the digital world. This course will teach you the basics of querying data in Elasticsearch.

What you'll learn

Full text search can be difficult with document orientated databases. In this course, Executing Basic Queries with Elasticsearch you’ll learn to perform basic functions within Elasticsearch. First, you’ll explore how queries work in Elasticsearch. Next, you’ll discover what a leaf and compound query is in Elasticsearch. Finally, you’ll learn how to build and execute queries in Elasticsearch. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of executing basic queries with Elasticsearch needed to run full-text search in document oriented databases.

About the author

Thomas is a Senior Software Engineer and Certified ScrumMaster. During his career he has been involved in many projects from building web applications to setting up Hadoop clusters. Thomas's specialization is with Hortonworks Data Platform and Agile Software Development. Thomas is a proud alumnus of the University of North Alabama where he received his BBA - Computer Information System and his MBA - Information Systems. He currently resides in north Alabama with his wife and daughter, where ... more

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