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Evaluating and Controlling Cloud Costs: Executive Briefing

This course will teach you​ how to evaluate and control your cloud costs to keep them predictable and manageable.

Barry Luijbregts - Pluralsight course - Evaluating and Controlling Cloud Costs: Executive Briefing
by Barry Luijbregts

What you'll learn

The cloud is a wonderful place that offers unlimited scalability and can present unpredictable costs.​ I​n this course,​ E​valuating and Controlling Cloud Costs​, y​ou’ll learn to​ evaluate and control your cloud costs to keep them predictable and manageable. F​irst, you’ll explore ​the types of costs in the cloud. N​ext, you’ll discover​ how to evaluate cloud resource usage and costs. ​Finally, you’ll learn how to control and manage cloud costs. W​hen you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of cloud resource usage and costs ​needed to​ evaluate and manage cloud costs.

Table of contents

About the author

Barry Luijbregts - Pluralsight course - Evaluating and Controlling Cloud Costs: Executive Briefing
Barry Luijbregts

Barry is a software architect and developer with a passion for the cloud. He has worked for lots of companies throughout the last decade and is keen to share his knowledge with the community. He co-founded a usergroup focused on technology and soft-skills and currently teaches people about the benefits of the cloud.

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