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Entity Framework 6 Migrations for Large Teams

Get up to speed on the tools and disciplines you need to maintain a database for your Entity Framework application. This course was designed for your whole team to watch over an extended lunch hour.

Michael Perry - Pluralsight course - Entity Framework 6 Migrations for Large Teams
by Michael Perry

What you'll learn

Entity Framework (EF) is the preferred mechanism for accessing a SQL database in an enterprise application. EF migrations keep the schema of the database in sync with the application. But when teams use EF migrations collaboratively, some challenges emerge. In this course, Entity Framework 6 Migrations for Large Teams, you'll Learn how to use EF Migrations with Git and TFS source control. First, you'll learn to use Entity Framework Migrations with Git or TFS version control. Next, you'll learn to manage simple and complex database changes. Finally, you'll learn how to discover and resolve migration issues. By the end of this course you'll learn all of the techniques required in order to work better together with your team.

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Perry - Pluralsight course - Entity Framework 6 Migrations for Large Teams
Michael Perry

Mathematician and software developer, Michael L Perry applies formal proof to creating reliable software. He has developed a method starting from the works of the greats (Meyer, Rumbaugh, Knuth), and embodied it in his open-source frameworks (Update Controls and Correspondence).

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