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The Eclipse Guided Tour - Part 2

by Tod Gentille

Continue the Journey you started in part 1 of The Eclipse Guided Tour. Learn to organize your workspace, explore the full power of the debugger, customize the Eclipse.ini file and extend the capabilities of Eclipse with plug-ins.

What you'll learn

Eclipse really is a full-featured IDE. If you’re just using it as a glorified editor and compiler then you’re missing out. The debugger is extremely powerful and the time you spend learning it will most likely be repaid many times over. Knowing how to solve problems and optimize performance by modifying the Eclipse.ini can be a life-saver. However, you need to be armed with some basic knowledge. If Eclipse doesn’t do everything you need in your workflow, chances are good you can find a plug-in that will add any critical missing functionality. We’ll explore all this and more in part 2 of the Eclipse Guided Tour.

Table of contents

Continue the Journey

About the author

Tod has been a software developer since finding an Apple ][ lurking in a chemistry lab at Argonne National Labs circa 1980. Programming everything from Assembler, and Fortran to C#. He spent a couple of decades doing embedded development with C++ and recently developed applications with TypeScript and React.

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