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Kotlin Multiplatform Library Development

by droidcon SF

Droidcon SF 2019 | Kotlin Multiplatform Library Development | Kevin Galligan

What you'll learn

One of the most important parts of any software ecosystem is the community support and library development. Kotlin as a platform is no exception. For developers looking to get involved in the open-source world, this is a great time to jump in. While simple libraries are fairly straightforward, there are many details involved in implementing significant libraries, like: Where to use expect/actual? How to wrap existing libraries? How do handle testing, CI, publishing, etc. There's a lot you need to know, and the platform is changing fast.

Table of contents

Kotlin Multiplatform Library Development

About the author

Droidcon is the largest global network of developer conferences which bring together the industry's foremost experts dedicated to advancing the Android platform. Droidcon engages a global network of over 25,000 developers attending our events in 22 cities. Our first droidcon conference was held in 2009 in Berlin and since then it has spread its influence across the globe and has established itself as the world's foremost community-driven conference format. Droidcon is the place to meet the inter... more

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