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droidcon NYC '19: Bazel

droidcon NYC 2019 | Bazel | Artem Zinnatullin

droidcon NYC - Pluralsight course - droidcon NYC '19: Bazel
by droidcon NYC

What you'll learn

Why is Bazel worth taking a look at and how can it help you scale the development of your Android and iOS apps while outperforming standard tooling like Gradle and Xcodebuild? In this talk, Artem Zinnatullin discusses multi-module setup vs. build system, why Gradle is slow/fast, ABI vs. API vs. implementation, compile avoidance, remote caching, remote execution, build configuration DSL, IDE support, CI/CD support, and testing.

Table of contents

About the author

droidcon NYC - Pluralsight course - droidcon NYC '19: Bazel
droidcon NYC

Droidcon New York is where the industry's leading Android experts converge to support the Android platform and create a strong network for developers and companies.

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