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Droidcon Boston '19: Inhibiting the Impostor

by Droidcon Boston

In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter.

What you'll learn

Have you ever had an experience where a small voice in your head prevented you from acting on an idea, stopped you from sharing your knowledge or trying something new, or maybe even made you feel like your achievements were nothing special? That voice is more common than you think! In this talk we will go over the basic steps that will help you materialize, deconstruct and take control of that voice, helping you distinguish the useful bits of information that can help you grow from the overwhelming debris and clutter. You will learn how to notice the early signs of its onset and manage the situation to your benefit. Finally, you will learn to use simple tools that will help you recognize and acknowledge your achievements and help yourself and others fight the invisible menace.

Table of contents

Inhibiting the Impostor

About the author

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017. This conference is part of the vision of Double Espresso ( that aims to keep training affordable to everyone and to give equal opportunities to speak to speakers from all over the world. Droidcon Boston is where Android experts from around the world come together to look into the future of Android, mobile development and ethics to prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Droidcon Boston is where the Android co... more

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