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.NET Standard 2: Getting Started

In this course you'll learn how to write class libraries that target .NET Standard, so that your class libraries can be shared across different .NET platforms like .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin.

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - .NET Standard 2: Getting Started
by Thomas Claudius Huber

What you'll learn

At the core of developing a class library that can be shared across different .NET platforms, like .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin, is a thorough knowledge of .NET Standard. In this course, .NET Standard 2: Getting Started, you'll learn the skills you need to build class libraries with .NET Standard. First, you’ll learn the basics about the different .NET platforms and .NET Standard. Next, you'll explore the different versions of .NET Standard and you’ll learn how your .NET Standard library works behind the scenes. Finally, you’ll discover how to migrate your existing code from .NET Framework to .NET Standard and how to package your libraries with NuGet. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of .NET Standard that will help you immensely as you move forward to build your own class libraries that can be shared across different .NET platforms.

Table of contents

About the author

Thomas Claudius Huber - Pluralsight course - .NET Standard 2: Getting Started
Thomas Claudius Huber

Thomas is a well-known author, software developer, and speaker from Germany. He specializes in .NET, C#, TypeScript, XAML, and Azure.

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