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.NET Performance Optimization & Profiling with JetBrains dotTrace

Learn how to profile, identify hotspot bottlenecks, and optimize .NET code to create fast and efficient applications with JetBrains dotTrace.

Xavier Morera - Pluralsight course - .NET Performance Optimization & Profiling with JetBrains dotTrace
by Xavier Morera

What you'll learn

Customers are not patient and never in history has your website or application's performance mattered as much as today. According to Amazon, every 100 millisecond increase in load time decreased sales by 1%. In 2013 that could mean as much as 740 million dollars! Site and application speed is mentally associated with reliability, credibility, security, and stability. Developers are often unaware of how to optimize performance properly. Even worse, performance becomes a priority only when it is unacceptable or, in the best case, annoying. Learn how to profile, identify hotspot bottlenecks, and optimize .NET code to create fast and efficient applications with JetBrains dotTrace.

Table of contents

About the author

Xavier Morera - Pluralsight course - .NET Performance Optimization & Profiling with JetBrains dotTrace
Xavier Morera

Xavier is very passionate about teaching, helping others understand Generative AI, ML, Search, and Big Data. He is also an entrepreneur, project manager, technical author, trainer, and holds a few certifications with Cloudera, Microsoft, and the Scrum Alliance, along with being a Microsoft MVP.

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