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Getting Started with .NET Document Databases Using Marten 1

Marten is a document database library for the easy storing, updating, and querying of .NET objects. It provides an easy way for you to persist data without the added complexities of object relational mapper tools.

Jason Roberts - Pluralsight course - Getting Started with .NET Document Databases Using Marten 1
by Jason Roberts

What you'll learn

Marten is an open source library for .NET that enables the use of an underlying PostgreSQL database as a document database. Marten can be used as a replacement or alternative to other document databases such as MongoDb or RavenDb and can also be an alternative to ORMs such as Entity Framework. In this course, Getting Started with .NET Document Databases Using Marten 1, you'll learn how the open-source Marten library allows you to use the PostgreSQL database as a document database in which to persist your .NET objects. First, you'll explore the fundamentals of how Marten works. Next, you'll discover how to store .NET entities as documents and how to update and delete documents. Finally, you'll learn the various ways to query the data from your .NET application. By the end of this course, you'll understand how to use Marten to store objects as documents and how to retrieve, modify, and delete them from C# code.

Table of contents

About the author

Jason Roberts - Pluralsight course - Getting Started with .NET Document Databases Using Marten 1
Jason Roberts

With over 15 years experience, Jason Roberts is a Microsoft .NET MVP, freelance developer, and author.

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