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Using Native Device Features in .NET MAUI Apps

.NET MAUI allows you to create applications for multiple platforms using a shared codebase. This course will teach you how to access native platform features using features included with .NET MAUI, community-supported libraries, and with custom code.

Chris Miller  - Pluralsight course - Using Native Device Features in .NET MAUI Apps
by Chris Miller

What you'll learn

A powerful feature .NET MAUI offers us is the ability to create applications for multiple platforms using a shared codebase. In this course, Using Native Device Features in .NET MAUI Apps, you'll learn how to be able to access features specific to a platform from your Xamarin code. First, you will learn about how to use the features that come with .NET MAUI to access settings and APIs that are common to multiple platforms.

Next, you will learn how to use the Community Toolkit to access additional native features. You'll see how to use an open-source library to provide user authentication using the biometric APIs that come with Android and iOS.

Finally, you'll learn how to write code to access platform-specific APIs. When you have finished the course, you will have the skills needed to access native features for your applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Chris Miller  - Pluralsight course - Using Native Device Features in .NET MAUI Apps
Chris Miller

Chris is a mobile and web developer who enjoys writing about the development experience. He is a Microsoft MVP and Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer. Chris runs the Tech Valley .NET User Group and is active with local and regional code camps.

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