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Dojo Fundamentals

This course introduces the Dojo JavaScript framework by taking a demo application from being purely server-managed, through an evolution that ends with a full single-page application (SPA.)

Mike VanSickle - Pluralsight course - Dojo Fundamentals
by Mike VanSickle

What you'll learn

The Dojo Toolkit was first released in 2007 as a holistic solution for web-application development. Over time, it has evolved through a philosophy of stable, measured growth to become an extremely powerful framework for developing line of business applications. Due to its vast size, however, Dojo has a fairly steep learning curve, especially on your own. This course is designed to introduce Dojo one step at a time, and show how the toolkit's modular approach can be used to build applications. Beginning with a server-rendered application, Dojo is first layered in to provide some simple client-side validation. It is then called to improve application responsiveness through the use of pre-built user-interface modules. Finally, custom widgets are introduced to improve the application's structure and maintainability.

Table of contents

About the author

Mike VanSickle - Pluralsight course - Dojo Fundamentals
Mike VanSickle

Michael VanSickle is an application architect in Akron, Ohio. He is a mechanical engineer by training and a software engineer by choice. He is passionate about learning new programming languages and user experience design.

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