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Getting Started with Docker Swarm
Love using docker on a single machine and want to easily scale across multiple machines? This course will teach you about creating clusters and orchestrating containers with Docker Swarm.
What you'll learn
What do you do when a single, standalone Docker node no longer is sufficient? In this course, Getting Started with Docker Swarm, you’ll learn to scale beyond the limitations of a single machine while maintaining the simplicity of Docker and Docker Compose on a single node. First, you’ll bootstrap a multi-node cluster with just a few, simple docker commands. Next, you’ll discover how to deploy services and jobs with stack yaml files. Finally, you’ll learn how to inject config and sensitive secrets. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Docker Swarm needed to orchestrate container workloads across any number of nodes.
Table of contents
- From Standalone to Multi-node | 6m 54s
- Initializing a Single Node Swarm with Docker Swarm Init | 3m 28s
- Cloning the Course Repo and Explaining the Multi-machine Vagrantfile | 4m 58s
- Vagrant Up m1 w1 - Auto-provision Two Ubuntu VMs with Docker Engine Running | 1m 16s
- Use the --advertise-addr Flag with Docker Swarm Init on Machines with Multiple NICs | 5m 8s
- Faster Node Management with Direct SSH Access - Leveraging Vagrant ssh-config | 2m 36s
- Transparent Node Management with SSH Based Docker Contexts | 1m 56s
- Docker Node ls + Seamless Docker Context Switching | 1m 52s
- Visualizing Docker Contexts to Simplify Multi-node Management | 5m 37s
- Joining Nodes Concisely with One-off Commands via Docker Contexts | 3m 53s
- Visualizing Cluster State with the Docker Swarm Visualizer (dockersamples/visualizer) Running in a Standalone Container | 3m 10s
- Joining Worker 2 with Real Time Web GUI and Terminal Monitoring | 3m 53s
- Simulating a Power Loss and Observing Node Status as Nodes Come Back Online | 1m 52s
- Joining a Second Manager Node | 1m 56s
- play-with-docker.com - How to Setup a Learning Lab with Free, Multi Node Clusters in the Clouds! | 2m 15s
- Promoting, Demoting, and Inspecting Nodes | 2m 44s
- Connecting to play-with-docker.com over SSH - And, Even Better, a SSH Based Docker Context! | 1m 55s
About the author
Wes Higbee is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He’s had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Wes launched Full City Tech to leverage his expertise to help companies delight customers.
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