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Docker Security Implementation

Docker containers operate in an environment with a lot of moving parts. It's your responsibility to keep them all secure. This course will introduce you to the security best-practices you'll need to protect your deployments wherever they're run.

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Docker Security Implementation
by David Clinton

What you'll learn

Before you deploy Docker container workloads to the real world, you need to ensure that you've properly secured your infrastructure. In this course, Docker Security Implementation, you'll recognize the threat categories you're likely to face. You'll learn to configure secure networks through encryption and segmentation, and protect your images and host OS and operational data. You'll also harden your environments from top to bottom. By the end of the course, you'll be ready to deploy container applications securely.

Table of contents

About the author

David Clinton - Pluralsight course - Docker Security Implementation
David Clinton

David taught high school for twenty years, worked as a Linux system administrator for five years, and has been writing since he could hold a crayon between his fingers. His childhood bedroom wall has since been repainted.

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