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Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core 2

This course will teach you how to build an optimized Docker image for your ASP.NET Core app and how to run your app in a container.

Wes Higbee - Pluralsight course - Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core 2
by Wes Higbee

What you'll learn

Docker and ASP.NET Core are a match made in heaven. Gone are the days of staring at IIS to figure out why your web app won't work. Instead, in a matter of seconds, you can pull an image with your published application and start up a container. In this course, Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core, you'll learn about Docker images and containers for ASP.NET Core. First, you'll discover how to run your app in a container and how to package it up as an image. Next, you'll explore how to compile your app in a container and how to leverage a multi-stage build to create a runtime optimized image for production. Finally, you'll learn how to easily compose in additional dependencies and easily spin those up with Docker and how to leverage Visual Studio's new Docker Support. By the end of this course, you'll be good to go with Docker images and containers for ASP.NET Core.

Table of contents

About the author

Wes Higbee - Pluralsight course - Docker Images and Containers for ASP.NET Core 2
Wes Higbee

Wes Higbee is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He’s had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Wes launched Full City Tech to leverage his expertise to help companies delight customers.

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