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Django User Authentication

This course will teach you how to use Django User Authentication, a powerful toolset that allows developers to quickly and easily implement a security layer on top of their Django-based applications.

Anthony Alampi - Pluralsight course - Django User Authentication
by Anthony Alampi

What you'll learn

In this course, Django User Authentication, you’ll learn to implement user authentication in Django apps to add a layer of security to them. First, you’ll explore the basics of user auth and how to set it up with your app. Next, you’ll discover how to optimize your authentication code to ease workflow and build logic around your user accounts. Finally, you’ll learn how to customize your user authentication model and backend for maximum control. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Django User Authentication needed to begin deploying in live applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Anthony Alampi - Pluralsight course - Django User Authentication
Anthony Alampi

I'm Anthony Alampi, an interactive designer and developer living in Austin, Texas. I'm a former professional video game developer and current web design company owner.

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