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Django Testing

This course will teach you the key concepts of building and running tests with Django.

Tom Compagno - Pluralsight course - Django Testing
by Tom Compagno

What you'll learn

In this course, Django Testing, you’ll learn to set up, run and verify various testing scenarios. First, you’ll explore the basics of testing and Django testing tools. Next, you’ll discover how to build effective tests over a code base. Finally, you’ll learn how to leverage advanced Django testing tools. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Django testing needed to properly cover a Django project code base with a wide variety of tests.

Table of contents

About the author

Tom Compagno - Pluralsight course - Django Testing
Tom Compagno

Tom is a veteran developer and a practical architect with over 19 years of experience building products. He loves diving into new technologies and finding solutions to new and old problems.

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