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Building Modern .NET Desktop Apps with .NET Core and Windows 10

by DEVintersection

Don't miss the upcoming DEVintersection event on December 8-10, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

What you'll learn

With bringing WPF and WinForms applications to the latest version of .NET Core, Microsoft has done many improvements in the desktop area. Now, you can leverage new technologies, such as Windows 10 features, access to device APIs, modern input methods, machine learning, and many more. In this talk Olia Gavrysh will provide an in-depth look at porting desktop applications to .NET Core 3 and cover different ways you can upgrade your WinForms and WPF applications with XAML Islands, MSIX, AI, and others. Olia will also share the roadmap for .NET desktop technologies and .NET frameworks.

Table of contents

Building Modern .NET Desktop Apps with .NET Core and Windows 10

About the author

In today’s fast-paced world with technology changing rapidly, it’s a challenge to stay on top of everything new while mastering the fundamentals. This exciting event, now in its eighth year, brings your favorite Microsoft leaders, engineers and industry experts together to educate, network, and share their expertise with you. 2018 was an amazing year for developers working in the Microsoft stack, but its challenging to understand the implications of events like the acquisition of GitHub by Micro... more

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