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Developing SharePoint 2013 Solutions with JavaScript - Part 3

by David Mann

As the capstone of the Developing SharePoint 2013 Solutions with JavaScript course series, part 3 covers two final advanced instructional topics (testing and prototypal inheritance) before delving into coverage of the most common scenarios for developing solutions in SharePoint using JavaScript.

What you'll learn

Parts 1 & 2 of this series of courses covered the basics and mechanics of how to work with JavaScript in SharePoint 2013. Part 3 finishes off with how to test our JavaScript code without requiring a SharePoint server, coverage of JavaScript as a prototypal language and how to work with prototypal inheritance, and then dives into a tour through various coding opportunities in SharePoint 2013, and how to meet those needs with JavaScript. The assumption is that you understand the basics of JavaScript, SharePoint, JSOM, REST, and various other elements, as there are very few "basic" topics covered here. Equal parts instructional material and reference material, this course covers all of the most prevalent development opportunities in SharePoint 2013 Apps/AddIns and Farm Solutions.

Table of contents

Resources and Wrap-up

About the author

Dave has been "working with computers" for over 25 years, is an 11-time Microsoft MVP, and full-stack web developer, trainer and author focusing on JavaScript, NodeJS, document DBs and C#.

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