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Developer Security Champion: Encrypted Communications

by Henry Been

Almost all apps are connected to other apps and users. Securing that connection is more important than ever before. This course will teach you how to encrypt the connections from and to users, infrastructure dependencies and other applications.

What you'll learn

Most modern applications have many connections coming in and going out. In this time of ever increasing security threats, securing those connections is a basic security requirement. In this course, Developer Security Champion: Encrypted Communications, you’ll learn about the different types of encryptions and how to use those to secure your applications connections. First, you’ll explore the different types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Next, you’ll discover how you can use these to encrypt connections between systems. Finally, you’ll learn how to apply this knowledge to your own applications and ensure you securely encrypt all communication going into or out of your application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Encrypted Communication needed to further secure your applications communication channels.

About the author

Henry Been is an independent architect and developer from The Netherlands. He enjoys working with software development teams to create and deliver great software. His interests include the Azure cloud, Agile, DevOps, software architecture, and testable and maintainable software design and implementation. Besides his work, he is a conference speaker at international conferences, is the author of two books, and creates online training courses for Pluralsight and A Cloud Guru. For his work in the c... more

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