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Design Patterns Overview

Design patterns help developers solve problems using proven approaches. They help teams discuss code using higher level concepts and terms. This course introduces you to design patterns and prepares you to start mastering patterns!

Steve Smith - Pluralsight course - Design Patterns Overview
by Steve Smith

What you'll learn

Design patterns help developers and teams solve problems using proven approaches. Patterns also enable teams to discuss design decisions using a richer, more descriptive language. In this course, Design Patterns Overview, you are introduced to the idea of patterns - how they're discovered, defined, and applied. First, you'll demonstrate a few useful patterns. Next, you'll discover how they can be combined and stacked to produce elegant, useful designs. Finally, you'll explore why you should spend time learning them. When you complete this course, you'll understand the role design patterns play in modern software development and you'll be ready to start mastering individual patterns that will make you more productive.

Table of contents

About the author

Steve Smith - Pluralsight course - Design Patterns Overview
Steve Smith

Steve Smith (@ardalis) is an entrepreneur and software developer with a passion for building quality software as effectively as possible.

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