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Building a Deployment Pipeline for ASP.NET Core with Docker

Thanks to containers and images, Docker makes it incredibly easy to build out a complex deployment pipeline. This course will take you from development through to production with your ASP.NET applications.

Wes Higbee - Pluralsight course - Building a Deployment Pipeline for ASP.NET Core with Docker
by Wes Higbee

What you'll learn

Automating a deployment pipeline was feasible pre-Docker, but was a hassle. Now thanks to containers and images, it's incredibly easy to spin up pipelines. In this course, Building a Deployment Pipeline for ASP.NET Core with Docker, you'll setup a pipeline to build, unit test, and package up an ASP.NET Core app into an image. The pipeline will be triggered every time someone commits to version control. First, you'll learn how the app image is pushed to a private registry and used to perform integration testing with multi-container tests, including a web site, email server, and integration test runner. Next, if all testing passes, you'll discover how the pipeline auto deploys to a demo environment, so anyone can test out the latest version of your app in a matter of minutes after a line of code is checked in. Then, you'll dive into how the pipeline can manually trigger deployment to production. Finally, you'll explore containerizing performance testing. By the end of this course, you'll have a pipeline you can deploy for your own applications.

Table of contents

About the author

Wes Higbee - Pluralsight course - Building a Deployment Pipeline for ASP.NET Core with Docker
Wes Higbee

Wes Higbee is passionate about helping companies achieve remarkable results with technology and software. He’s had extensive experience developing software and working with teams to improve how software is developed to meet business objectives. Wes launched Full City Tech to leverage his expertise to help companies delight customers.

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