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Deploying an Application on AWS

Learning the capabilities of different AWS deployment technologies and services of CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and Codestar will allow you to make an informed choice of which is best for your application deployment needs.

Patrick Neborg - Pluralsight course - Deploying an Application on AWS
by Patrick Neborg

What you'll learn

Amazon's AWS cloud hosting set of services has enabled countless environments and applications to run at scale requiring each application to be deployed. How these applications can be deployed to AWS varies depending on your specific application. This course, Deploying an Application on AWS, explains the capabilities of the various AWS deployment technologies and services to allow you to make the best choice for your application. First, you will learn how to use CloudFormation templates as infrastructure as code. Next, you will discover how OpsWorks provides a managed infrastructure for our applications. Finally, you will explore CodeStar's capabilities to provide a fully managed team coding and continuous integration continuous deployment pipeline environment. When you are finished with this course, you have skills and knowledge of AWS deployment strategies needed to make an informed choice for your application's deployment needs.

Table of contents

About the author

Patrick Neborg - Pluralsight course - Deploying an Application on AWS
Patrick Neborg

Patrick Neborg is a Solution Architect for Aon. Patrick has been developing software solutions for over 20 years. Today, he focuses on Cloud Solutions.

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