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Introducing Scrum Artifacts and the Commitments

This course will teach you about Scrum artifacts and commitments.

Derek Davidson - Pluralsight course - Introducing Scrum Artifacts and the Commitments
by Derek Davidson

What you'll learn

Understanding Scrum requires a clear understanding of the artifacts and how they affect transparency. This course will introduce you to the three artifacts and outline their purpose. At the end of this course, you’ll have a clear view of the Scrum artifacts and how important they are when we leverage empiricism.

We also cover the commitments and how it impacts product quality and transparency.

Table of contents

About the author

Derek Davidson - Pluralsight course - Introducing Scrum Artifacts and the Commitments
Derek Davidson

Derek is a Professional Scrum Trainer with, the organization created by Scrum co-creator, Ken Schwaber.

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