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Databases and Sessions in PHP

by Mohamed Echout

Want to learn how to master database handling and state management in PHP? This course will teach you how to use PDO, cookies, and sessions to build secure, resilient, and efficient web applications with PHP.

What you'll learn

Managing databases and user sessions in PHP is crucial for secure and efficient web applications. In this course, Databases and Sessions in PHP, you'll learn to efficiently handle database interactions and session management for secure user data handling. First, you'll explore how to securely set up PDO to connect to different database systems and perform CRUD operations. Next, you'll discover how to implement PHP session management strategies that ensure secure and persistent user sessions. Finally, you'll learn how to safeguard against SQL injections and session hijacking by applying advanced security practices. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of database management and session handling in PHP needed to build more reliable and secure web applications.

About the author

Mo is a tech educator and solutions provider who has helped some of the biggest brands to make technology engaging and relevant. With a passion for breaking down complex concepts, he delivers training and AI solutions that drive real results. Making tech practical is his mission!

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