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Database Programming with Pyodbc: Python Playbook

Pyodbc brings Python and the ODBC standard together, a powerful combination for doing database development. This course covers what you need to develop your database code with Pyodbc and also understand what happens on the database side.

Warner Chaves - Pluralsight course - Database Programming with Pyodbc: Python Playbook
by Warner Chaves

What you'll learn

Python is one of the world's most popular languages, ODBC one of the most popular database driver standards, and Pyodbc brings them together. In this course, Database Programming with Pyodbc: Python Playbook, you will learn foundational knowledge of database development using this popular Python module. First, you will learn how to execute queries and process results. Next, you will discover how to handle data type mismatches and managing transactions. Finally, you will explore the different error categories and how to handle them. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Pyodbc development needed to boost your Python database development skills.

Table of contents

About the author

Warner Chaves - Pluralsight course - Database Programming with Pyodbc: Python Playbook
Warner Chaves

Warner is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and Principal Consultant at Pythian. He manages clients in many industries and leads a talented team that maintains and innovates with their data solutions. When he's not working in Ottawa, Ontario, he can be found in his home country of Costa Rica.

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