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Data Literacy Essentials: Conversation AI

by Tom Taulli

In this course, you’ll learn about the core functions and practical use cases for conversation AI. There will also be a look at Google’s DialogFlow cloud platform to understand how the technology works.

What you'll learn

Conversation AI allows for automation of communication with people. The systems range from chatbots to voice/mobile assistants to interactive voice assistants. These powerful systems allow the agents to learn over time. In this course, Data Literacy Essentials: Conversation AI, you'll get a broad overview of these capabilities. First, you’ll learn about Google’s Conversation AI platform aka DialogFlow. It allows for creating agents by using intent, fulfillment, follow-up intent, and entities. Then, you'll dive into implementation strategies and monitoring. Finally, you'll understand the underlying technologies include machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a good foundation for understanding Conversation AI.

About the author

Tom Taulli (@ttaulli) is the author of AI-Assisted Programming: Better Planning, Coding, Testing, and Deployment ( He has been programming since he was in high school, when he wrote computer programs for magazines (yes, in the 1980s, there were publications that had code listings!). When he got into college, he started a company that sold Windows software for exam preparation. He then founded other companies like – which was the mid-1990s version of Shopif... more

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