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Data Analysis for Storytelling

This course provides an insight into data analysis and how it is used to create a narrative for storytelling in an organization, and then how the data can be used as a basis for decision making.

Ben Howard - Pluralsight course - Data Analysis for Storytelling
by Ben Howard

What you'll learn

In this course, Data Analysis for Storytelling, you’ll gain the ability to create a data-driven narrative in your organization to create a compelling story from your data. First, you’ll explore data analysis techniques to identify insights into your data. Next, you’ll discover how to create a data-driven narrative and use this to drive decision-making. Finally, you’ll learn how to communicate the insights derived from your data. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of data analysis for storytelling needed to drive a data-driven culture and determine business decisions from your data.

Table of contents

About the author

Ben Howard - Pluralsight course - Data Analysis for Storytelling
Ben Howard

Ben is a Power BI & Data Specialist with a healthy interest in Microsoft Project with over 30 years of customer and implementation experience. He has been a Microsoft MVP for 13 years, is a frequent speaker at several European conferences, and blogs and creates videos on a semi-regular basis.

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