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Cryptography Fundamentals for Developers and Security Professionals

Cryptography ensures confidentiality and authenticity of digital documents. The mathematics behind cryptography show us why, and how far, it can be trusted.

Michael Perry - Pluralsight course - Cryptography Fundamentals for Developers and Security Professionals
by Michael Perry

What you'll learn

The Java and .NET frameworks contain all the algorithms you need to keep your users' data secret from prying eyes. Web servers like Apache, Tomcat, and IIS, combined with tools like OpenSSL, keep your users secure online. But to use these tools correctly, and to avoid mistakes of the past, you must understand how cryptography works. Learn the math behind encryption and digital signatures. Study examples of how it has been misused, and explore the possibilities that cryptography enables in digital currency and collaboration.

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Perry - Pluralsight course - Cryptography Fundamentals for Developers and Security Professionals
Michael Perry

Mathematician and software developer, Michael L Perry applies formal proof to creating reliable software. He has developed a method starting from the works of the greats (Meyer, Rumbaugh, Knuth), and embodied it in his open-source frameworks (Update Controls and Correspondence).

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