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Beautiful C++ 17: Updating Legacy Code

If you maintain an old large codebase, there's a good chance you don't understand parts of it. This course will show you how to update code to a more readable, understandable, and maintainable state by taking full advantage of modern C++ techniques.

Kate Gregory - Pluralsight course - Beautiful C++ 17: Updating Legacy Code
by Kate Gregory

What you'll learn

C++ has been a popular programming language for decades, which means there’s some really old code out there. Some of it is very hard to read and maintain. Capabilities have been added to the language and standard library that could simplify this code, and possibly make it faster or eliminate nagging intermittent bugs. In this course, Beautiful C++: Updating Legacy Code, you’ll learn how to approach a large and unfamiliar codebase and make changes to modernize code. First, you'll learn some strategies for deciding exactly what to change. Then, you'll be introduced to language features and library capabilities that may not have existed when your code was first written, and can make it better now. Finally, you'll discover how to evaluate your progress and spread your gains through the rest of the code. By the end of this course, you'll be prepared for your code to last another generation or two and take full advantage of what modern C++ has to offer.

Table of contents

About the author

Kate Gregory - Pluralsight course - Beautiful C++ 17: Updating Legacy Code
Kate Gregory

Kate Gregory is in her fourth decade of being paid to program. Her firm, Gregory Consulting Limited, is based in rural Ontario and helps clients adopt new technologies and adjust to the changing business environment. Current work makes heavy use of .NET and Visual C++ for both web and client development, especially for Windows 7 and 8. Managing, mentoring, technical writing, and technical speaking occupy much of her time, but she still writes code every week.

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